Everything [in] Between | Branding & Graphic design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman |A Sanctified Art, LLC • sanctifiedart.org
The Season of Lent
Join us on the spiritual journey of Lent, beginning with an Ash Wednesday service at Noon on Wednesday, March 5. Below you will learn about the theme we will be exploring in the coming weeks as we walk alongside Jesus to Jerusalem and to the cross, and then as we rise with him on Easter Sunday. May your spiritual hungers will be fulfilled through worship, study and song. -- Rev. Cathlin
From the creators of Everything [in] Between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes … This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find that these dichotomies are false. We might begin to see a full spectrum instead of black and white. We might find that God is present in between.
Begin the Journey of Lent ... Ash Wednesday Service
Everything [in] Between: Intention and Action
Wednesday, March 5, 12 Noon, in person in Sanctuary
with Rev. Cathlin Baker & Rev. Vicky Hanjian
Artwork: Living Water; by Lauren Wright Pittman; Inspired by John 4:5-42. Digital painting with digital drawing and collage. SanctifiedArt.org. All rights reserved.
KAIROS Bible Study for Lent
with Rev. Vicky Hanjian
Wednesday march 19 through April 9
Kairos Bible Study will resume meeting for Lenten study weekly. The group will focus on the stories of Mary Magdalene's journey with Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels. Materials from the Gospels of Mary and Thomas and Phillip, not included in our New Testament, will also be reviewed.
Participants are invited to register ahead of time either with the church office or with Vicky Hanjian (508-696-8225; armenvicky@gmail.com).
Men's Bible Study for Lent
with Rev. Woody Bowman
The group continues to explore the Gospel of John. This cycle of weekly Bible study will discuss the chapters in John that cover the last week of Jesus’ life and his trial, crucifixion, and resurrection, and should stimulate conversation and insights that will enrich your understanding through Lent and the observance of Easter.
Join in for spiritual encouragement and fellowship over coffee and morning baked goods. Men new to the group are always welcome. Contact Woody Bowman for more information and to receive notes for the study: cwbowman@earthlink.net or 508-958-7058.
“everything [in] between: meeting God in the midst of extremes”
Devotional Booklet
We are offering printed booklets of the “Everything [in] Between” Lenten devotional to anyone who might like one. Printed copies will be available after church in the Narthex or in the black mailbox to the left of the Music Street door. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the church office. If you would like to receive an electronic version (readable on your computer or digital reader device, i.e., Kindle or iPad), the church office can help you with that as well.
We are printing up a limited number of sets of daily devotional cards. Please contact the church office to reserve a set. Ways you can use the cards:
+ Hang these cards up like garland, in order of their weeks. Review one question and one prayer each day.
+ Put your week’s worth of cards by your bed at the start of the week. Each morning when you wake up, start your day with the daily question and prayer.
+ Review the cards for the week at the beginning of the week. Pick the one card that resonates the most with you and put it somewhere where you will see it regularly. Use that card as a prayer prompt each day.
+ Use these daily questions as journaling prompts for the season of Lent.
An “Everything [in] Between” playlist on Spotify is available for your Lenten inspiration through music. To access, click here.